
I love oatmeal, raisins and chocolate chips, is there a chocolate chip cookie recipe that includes all three ingredients?

La razón tradicional avena con chispas de chocolate

Si usted tiene los amantes de la harina de avena en su casa, les encantará esta receta. Las pasas, trocitos de chocolate y avena se mezclan para hacer una delicia para todos.

Esta receta es muy fácil de hacer. Se tarda unos 20 minutos para preparar la masa y asegúrese de que se han reunido todos los ingredientes en un solo lugar. Precaliente el horno a 375 grados. Esta receta se hacen aproximadamente 32 galletas, así que si usted vive con el chocolate con pasas avena amantes chip cookies, es posible que desee que haga el doble.

1? tazas de harina para todo uso

1 cucharadita de bicarbonato de sodio

1 cucharadita de sal

2 barras de mantequilla sin sal, a temperatura ambiente

? taza de azúcar granulada

2 huevos grandes

1 cucharadita de extracto de vainilla

2? tazas de avena pasada de moda

1? tazas de pasas de uva

12 oz chips de chocolate semidulce

En un tazón mediano, combine todos los ingredientes secos: harina, el bicarbonato de sodio y la sal. Establecer este tazón a un lado.

En un tazón grande, combine la mantequilla y el azúcar y mezclar con una batidora eléctrica hasta que la mezcla es ligera y esponjosa. Añadir los huevos y la vainilla y mezclar hasta que esté bien combinada. Poco a poco agregue los ingredientes secos en el recipiente, mezclar hasta que se mezclen. Añadir la avena, pasas y trocitos de chocolate y mezclar suavemente hasta que todos los ingredientes estén bien mezclados.

Usando una cuchara, deje caer cucharadas de gran tamaño en una bandeja de horno que está recubierto con papel de pergamino. Mantenga las galletas cerca de 1? pulgadas de separación para permitir la propagación de la masa.

Hornee por 10 a 12 minutos, rotando las bandejas para hornear la mitad. Las cookies se hacen cuando son un marrón de oro pero aún son blandos al tacto. Deje que se enfríe durante cinco minutos antes de quitar de la bandeja.

Las cookies se pueden almacenar durante un máximo de cinco días en un recipiente hermético.

Cookies Frequently Asked Questions

A family member has recently been diagnosed with diabetes, is there a special chocolate chip cookie recipe I could make for them?

I would like to make a mint chocolate chip cookie but I would like a recipe that is a bit different from the traditional recipe.

Is it true that there is a chocolate chip cookie that has carrots in the recipe?

I love the taste of chocolate and coffee, is there a cookie recipe that combines both flavors?

I love oatmeal, raisins and chocolate chips, is there a chocolate chip cookie recipe that includes all three ingredients?

I need a quality oatmeal chocolate chip cookie, do you have a suggestion?

I love the taste of chocolate and coconut, do you know of a recipe that combines both flavors?

How Can I Create A Fun Family Tradition For The Holidays?

How Would I Best Prepare For a Christmas Cookie Decorating Party?

Is it possible to make homemade cookie decorations?

How do I make homemade toasted nuts and coconut for my holiday cookie decorations?

What is the best way to prepare for the holiday baking season?

What is the different between frosting and icing?

How do I melt chocolate to decorate my holiday sugar cookies?

Where can I find a great recipe for sugar cookie icing and sugar cookie frosting.

What is a fun activity that I can do at home with my kids that will promote conversation and learning opportunities?

What would be a creative and exciting family heirloom gift for my family members?

I cannot a cookie cutter in the shape I want, is it possible to make my own?

Hoiw can I make my own cookie bouqet for my good friend's birthday?

How is it best to prepare for the holiday baking season?

I want to learn to make homemade cookies, what kinds of tools will I need?

I want to learn to bake but I am afraid of failing.

I am looking for a quality specialty cookie for Hannakah, can you suggest one?

I have heard that there are a few tricks to successfully making fortune cookies, do you know what those tricks might be?

I am looking for a recipe for fortune cookies, is there one on this website?

I am looking for a gourmet chocolate chip recipe, do you have any suggestions?

I am looking for a fun recipe for my son's desserts at his birthday party, I would like something rather unique, do you have anything?

I am looking for a cute spring-themed way to set placecards on my Easter holiday table, any ideas?

How do you make a traditional mexican wedding cake cookie

I have a friend that loves gourmet chocolate truffles but I have always been afraid to make them, do you have an easy recipe I could try?

I went to a wedding that gave out custom wedding cookies for favors, do you know where I might find a company that does this?

What is a good way to recognize the hard work and loyalty of my clients?

Why should I send a company gift rather than a personal gift to one key client member?

Is it appropriate to send gourmet cookie gift baskets to business associates, family and friends?

I would like to find an autumn cookie recipe for my child's Autumn Party at school, do you have any suggestions?

I would like to try a different type of sugar cookie recipe, is there any recipe that is slightly different than the traditional holiday version?

I love truffles but they are so expensive, is there a quick and easy recipe I could make at home?

I love coconut and chocolate candy bars, do you know of any cookie recipes that combine the two flavors?

I would love to find a traditional ginerbread recipe but I am having a difficult time locating one, do you have any suggestions?

I would love to make homebaked cookies for my children but I just don't have the time, is there another option?

What is the best way to succeed as a cookie jar collector?

How might I find a unique cookie jar gift for my friend that is a cookie jar collector?

Which is the best way to shop for antique cookie jars, online or in person?

What are some quality tools I might use as I begin to collect antique and vintage cookie jars?

Are there secrets to becoming a successful cookie jar collector?

Why is it important to purchase a resource and reference manual on cookie jar collectin?

I am looking for new fund raising opportunity for my local PTA, do you have any suggestions?

Where can I find an online company that sells a chocolate chunk cookie dough?

What would be a really unique way to celebrate the upcoming arrival of my friends baby? We are holding a baby shower for her and want it to be unique

How can I learn how to order cookies online?

I need a quick and easy recipe for my child's school harvest party, any ideas?

I would love to discover an adorable cookie recipe that would not focus on the ghoulish side of halloween.

I am looking for a chocolate flavored cooke dough that will work well for making cookie dough cutouts

I am looking for a unique Thanksgiving cookie recipe to take to my families holiday potluck, any suggestions?

I love to make apple pies but they are so messy when delivering to family holiday events, is there a similar recipe with less mess?

I am looking for a new pumpkin flavored cookie for the Thanksgiving holiday, do you have something that might work?

I am looking for a unique tasting cookie for my Easter holiday dessert table but haven't found anything new, do you have a suggestion?

I am trying to locate a new gluten free cookie recipe, do you have any on your website?

I love ginger and am having a difficult time locating a lowfat recipe that uses ginger, do you have one?

I love the taste of chocolate and peanut butter but I cannot seem to find a lowfat cookie recipe that combines both flavors, any suggestions?

My girlfriend just told me about a great sugar free vegetarian brownie recipe she found online, have you heard of one?

I am looking for a low fat vegetarian cookie that is high in flavor, any ideas?

I am looking for a healthy fruit bar to put into my children's lunch.

I want to find a lowfat cookie recipe that will be elegant enough for an afternoon tea party I am hosting at my house, but I cannot seem to find one. Is there something that might fit in the recipe index on this website?

My best friend is an artist, I was wondering if you had any suggestions for a unique gift I might send her?

I am looking for a unique idea for my wedding favors but I have run out of idea, do you have any?

How can I send a romantic gift to my new girlfriend butnot appear to be coming on too strong?

Is it appropriate to send a gourmet cookie gift basket as a congratualtions gift?

I have no idea about what to get my husband for father's day this year, any ideas that might help?

What are some unique gift ideas that I could send to my children?

How do I make chocolate and peanut butter chip cookies?

How do I make a monogram cookie jar?

How do I make gluten free peanut butter cookies?

How do I make Snickerdoodles?

How do I make homemade Oreos?

How do I make homemade Nutter Butters?

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